Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Creature Concept

Having a bit of fun with some creature concepting! I do this when I feel like drawing but reeaaaaally dont want to work on bigger projects, haha xD I really need to do this more often!

Anyway..this actually started as a little scribble that I thought looked a bit like something, so I just went with it. It was a fun little project!

The colors were chosen from existing creatures - the top two were from different variations of the same moth, and the bottom was from a caterpillar. :) The patterns, however, were from my own head :D


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Recent work

This is a WIP commission for Black-Wing24 on deviantART :)

This and the next image were some fun concepts I did for a Tampon box - one of our projects for Graphic Design 1. The idea came about thanks to my friends, haha - one said I should turn the tampon into a rocket, with the strings being the smoke, and another said I should have a pinup girl leaning against it (like in the old war posters)...so I drew her riding it, hahaha! It's too bad he wouldn't let me use this idea, I thought it was too fun NOT to do!

Dark version of the previous image :)
Another concept for the tampon box. I thought it was nice and elegant, but the professor thought it was too detailed. And yes, that flower is indeed a tampon xD
The final product - really simple, just like the professor wanted it, haha

Our final project in Graphic Design - to design a fake, funny Public Service Announcement from the 80s - kinda like those "Just Say No" ads. I had fun doing this one :D

Some thumbnails for a promo poster for Forge Comics.

The finished poster - that wood texture was a lot of fun to do, but very tedious. Pleased with the outcome :)